Tuesday, July 6, 2010

25th Anniversary of Back To The Future 2

In the movie "Back to the Future 2" Marty McFly needs to save his kid and the year was 2015 as flying cars are naturally around. The news about the Flying Cars of Terrafugia Transition makes sense as we can now purchase them today 2010, you must say I am kidding but its a truth that The Terrafugia Transition is costing $194,000 for a flying car. Flying cars are now available yet still the government have to make laws about how they will regulate the air traffic.

There were also many prediction in that movie and now we can see that predictions happening around us, some are as follow:
> Watching multiple TV channels simultaneously.
> A baseball team in Miami.
> Ubiquitous advertising.
> Video games without hands.
> Asian invasion.
> Slamball.
> The plastic surgery explosion.
> Personal targeted advertising.
> TV glasses.
> Video conferencing.

What does it mean ? Does it mean that some body first let us watch a weird thing in movie and when we became familiar they lunch it and control our minds or on the other hand we can say that everything first is a fiction then it became reality, I left the conclusion on all of you, be aware may be some one watching you !.

Tags: back to the future 2, back to the future, back to the future 4, back to the future 2010, back to the future july 5th 2010, july 5th 2010 back to the future

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