Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Generation Zero Documentary

The film is very stylistic. When discussing the Wall Street investment bankers you see Great White sharks devouring huge chunks of meat. The symbolism is fitting. I think that every American who is concerned about the direction of this country should see this film.

The film takes a unique view of the recent economic downturn and financial disaster facing the United States of America.

"Featuring more than 40 leading experts, authors, and pundits from across the political spectrum, “Generation Zero” exposes how the mindset of the “Greatest Generation” — to not let their children suffer through the same economic hardships that they did during the Great Depression and WWII — led to the “Me Generation” and ultimately the Clinton/Bush era of trading campaign contributions for government “cover” in the form of guaranteed bailouts of Wall Street’s speculative investments, thus sowing the seeds of economic disaster that would be reaped by coming generations.
" Source: ronbosoldier.blogspot.com

Tags: generation zero, generation zero documentary

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