Tuesday, August 10, 2010

HTC Android 2.2 Froyo Released And Available

It was previously said to be that it will be released in mid July 2010 but now the board of directors decided to release it in August 2010 starting, that is really a good news. HTC has made it very clear that they are going to roll out the Android 2.2 (Froyo) to the phones HTC Desire, HTC Droid Incredible and HTC Evo 4G.

According to the news the lucky ones would be the HTC Desire holders, as the Android 2.2 (Froyo) going to rool out for HTC Desire in August, which means earlier than the remaining HTC phones. The remaining HTC phones HTC Droid Incredible and HTC Evo 4G are getting Froyo in December before Christmas.


  1. The EVO's already got their update.

  2. the evo 4g already has froyo. linkbait fail.

  3. December! I feel totally ripped off.

  4. funny, i JUST told someone that there is NO way we are (the incredible owners) getting froyo before November, and I assumed it would be just prior to Christmas. In fact, when I spoke to a rep from Verizon, i was basically yelling at this point. i said fine, let's play a guessing game. Does the crystal ball say august? no? ok September? no? OK how about November? what was that? hesitation? then maybe December? Silence. So before Christmas though for sure right? yes.

  5. I can tell you this is BS. My buddy just got the update today August 10th for the EVO 4g and that is one of the phones listed above for december. Look for this in the next week or so. Guaranteed

  6. I'm so mad! I've been hearing August for the Incredible for months! Every day I've been checking to see if it's available. Why do the other phones get it so early? The Incredible is HTC's flagship phone on Verizon, it should've been one of the first phones to get it!
