Friday, July 16, 2010

Inception Review and the Ending

At the height of the film, there are at least five stories going on, not counting flashbacks. And yet it never feels convoluted. With films like Memento and The Prestige under his belt, Christopher Nolan is well versed in non-linear storytelling. But Inception is different. Rather than non-linear storytelling, Inception is like multi-linear storytelling, because within each dream, the individuals can put themselves under, creating a dream within a dream, and so on.

According to Popeater, 'Inception isn't perfection', article where they collected some of the reviews posted online. Here's one big bashing line: "I truly have no idea what so many people are raving about," ouch!

If you're so inclined, you can even post a review to your Movie Fan Central profile. The early critical word on the film, which I admittedly was a part of, was almost overwhelmingly positive. Lately though, there have been a few detractors who've said maybe it's not as good as everyone says. The movie is perfect for discussion, debate and dissection so, as we often do, we're going to leave this article up all weekend with the Strike Backs open and encourage you to post YOUR review of INCEPTION.

That seems to me as Peter's polite way of predicting this expensive movie starring Leonardo Di Caprio, Ellen Page and Joseph Gordon Levitt may play be too smart to rack up numbers anything like "The Dark Knight.'' But he sure makes it sound intriguing.

There are clues through out the film in which Nolan could be saying, ‘look closely, look closer. It’s all in the head of Cobb’. Sharp eyes might notice architectural and interior design preferences emerge in supposedly different locales and time frames. One moment we are watching a simple scene of Dom describing to Ellen Page’s dream designer their plans only for Dom to inform his new protégé that they are dreaming. What happens next is truly jaw-dropping as the city around them explodes, expands and folds over.

Tags: inception, inception trailer, inception imdb, inception wiki, inception reviews

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