Virtually in parallel, all of the necessary technology pieces to make Kinect fell into place—in particular, Prime Sense's 3D sensor. Kinect is as much a product of serendipity as anything else. When Microsoft hired Dr. Ilan Spillinger, VP of hardware and technology for Microsoft's Interactive Entertainment Business, it was to be "deeply engaged on the next-generation X box. Microsoft was looking to go beyond the Wii for its next big project, and about two and a half years ago, it started looking at natural user interfaces. At the same time, it had started looking at 3D cameras and input systems.
Microsoft has always said Kinect will work with every X box 360, but the new black X box has a special trick move that Ext USB port marked Aux up there is actually a special Kinect port that handles both data and power for the new motion control system. That means you'll only need one cord to set up a new X box. Kinect system, while X box 360 original owners will have to connect over USB and plug in a separate power cord for the Kinect unit. And now you know.
When Kinect is equipped, you will use a separate menu system than you've known on the 360. It's simpler, ditching tabs for simpler iconography. To load Net flix, you can wave to hit the Net flix button, or you just say Net flix. Pause by telling it to pause or reaching in the air to grab a virtual pause button.
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