Monday, July 19, 2010

Sarah Palin Wants Muslims To "Refudiate"

Sarah Palin, former Alaska Governor, dropping refudiate bombs all over and she’s not about to give up. Last week, Palin went on Sean Hannity’s Fox News show to claim that it’s “divisive” for the NAACP to call out racist elements in the Tea Party movement.

She looks like a professor of a university in this photo, and she is proving it by inventing new words, as she loves to invent new words, I think she should stop it and learn proper English and spelling so that next time she should not be embraced.

Palin used it in an initial tweet asking Muslims to “pls refudiate” the building of the mosque. During a debate regarding buiding an Islamic centre near the WTC building in New york, she requested “peaceful Muslims” to “pls refudiate” the plans. The tweet was deleted and Palin re-tweeted two comments using words found in the dictionary, including “reject” and “refute.” At first she appeared embarrassed by the linguistic slip, but she later chose to celebrate her inventiveness by comparing herself to literary giants William Shakespeare and, er, George Bush.

Tags: refudiate, repudiate

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